bonfire stars
created by Martechi


Among the Known Worlds of the fourth millennium...
...starlight fires burn, ignited by humanity. Each flame bears the mark of its realm, and the signet of the Crown. Their brilliance surrounds the stars of Sol and the innermost constellations, shining zodiacs that make up the domains of the empire's mightiest lords. More fires of imperial civilization push further out, like the points of a many-pronged star.
Machines of old swept across the cosmos, laying the foundations of an empire ages ago. Third in the lineage of interstellar civilizations, the Starlight Imperium inherited their destiny. To reach for all the stars once claimed, to lift more worlds out of the darkness of the past and into the light of the imperial fold, that is the principal mandate of the Crown. In so doing, it's emperors lead humanity far into cosmic realms unknown, to wonders and worlds stranger than any chronicler might imagine.
And with every star so claimed, a new beacon of civilization is ignited, starlit bonfires shining bright from their place above distant stars.