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story enthusiast


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Since one's own story is sometimes just too complicated, it can be helpful to look into other stories: I took that literally.

Like a squirrel monkey, I shimmy through media and genres in search of the next good one, and now, thanks to Alex, I'm stranded on Babylon 5 for the time being.


resident witch


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As a witching blogger and aspiring writer, I am interested in historical events and understanding the surrounding stories.

Watching Babylon 5 always had me fascinated with the complexity of the world (building), the characters, and the perspective on political questions it raised.


spaceship fanatic


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A fan of spaceships and all things space opera, I've seen Babylon 5 way too many times.

The show also sparked my interest in digital- & 3D art. For a few years now, I've been creating original and fan projects involving rendered scenes, text, animation, and the occasional TTRPG.

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