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Beginning Bonfire Stars


And so it begins... a new world worldbuilding project!

But don't I have an aproximate ***too many*** of those already? Yes – HOWEVER:

  • Most of my projects here serve also additional purposes. They're settings for RPGs, or testbeds for new techniques, or fan projects of some description. So they're not shared here in their entirety and their progress depends on many unknowns.

  • I like worldbuilding, so there will always be individual designs or artworks that spawn a new setting of sorts even if it'll be never fleshed out into anything complete.

What sets this project apart is that ...

... this, for the first time in a long while, is going to be a project first and foremost for sharing and worldbuilding here. That means all the lore will be accompanied with dedicated artworks, it will be compiled in a separate wiki/website for easier reading. It'll also likely include some community involvement via polls and such. The closest equivalent is going to be my Brass and Iron project, just that this one is wholly original.

About the project

Similar to Brass and Iron, a sector map is going to play a big part in this worldbuilding project. It provides a rough framework for the space we're looking at, and the goal is to slowly fill all these names and basic ideas with more detailed lore.

Factions, planets, ships, technologies and maybe even characters will be explored in codex entries as well as small story snippets. As mentioned above, I plan some community polls to influence that process.



Martechi's Art

I'm a storytelling and sci-fi enthusiast, creating stories and artworks in original settings, as well as lots of SciFi fan art. Especially fond of lovecraft's cosmic horror, imaginative dystopia, science-inspired mysticism and the grand scale of futurism, I try to incorporate all those things in my works.


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Bonfire Stars - An original Worldbuilding Project created by Martechi.

Website created with Wix.

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