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Calamite Caravel Cruiser


The Calamite-class is a caravel-type cruiser of the Minarii Realm. Operating often in the outer territories of the realm and venturing deep into the Verdant Vale, the Calamite is one of the most recognizable classes of starships encountered by other powers of the Nebra Sector. Typically supported by several smaller escort vessels, Calamites on deep space scouting missions are highly effective at expanding Minarii's presence and a significant threat to deep-space patrols of any rival.

Calamite-class vessels are robust and enduring vessels, hardened against the cosmic elements and attacks of Minarii's known foes. A great emphasis is put on their strategic mobility, allowing these caravel cruisers to pick and choose their engagements and battlefields in most situations. Especially the Calamite's small escorts benefit greatly from an advantageous position, making it a preferred method for this cruiser to lure enemies into ambushes and traps for highly coordinated attacks. A Calamite caught off-guard on the other hand is often less effective and adaptable than comparable ships of the same class.

Like all ships of the Minarii Realm, Calamite caravel cruisers have a reputation for excellent speed but limited maneuverability owed to the relative over-powering of their engine core. The signature of the Calamite's drive is unmistakable to most commanding officers who had a run-in with one of these vessels but easily mistaken for a much heavier class by those less experienced.

The armament of the Calamite Caravel Cruiser is relatively balanced for mid-to short-range engagements, with both an impressive broadside and forward-firing power. Its greatest asset, however, is the ship's ability to support and coordinate a dedicated escort squadron even during deep-space operations. The additional equipment and resource reserves necessary for this capability add to the ship's overall length and mass, resulting in comparatively less firepower per tonnage compared to other caravel cruisers. In conjunction with its escorts, however, a fully deployed Calamite unit is more than a match even to vessels of significantly greater size.



Martechi's Art

I'm a storytelling and sci-fi enthusiast, creating stories and artworks in original settings, as well as lots of SciFi fan art. Especially fond of lovecraft's cosmic horror, imaginative dystopia, science-inspired mysticism and the grand scale of futurism, I try to incorporate all those things in my works.


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