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Makhai Interiors & creating details


Over the past year or two I've gotten familiar enough with 3D spaceship modeling to develop a kind of workflow to produce ships with a certain amount of detail consistently. This year, I wanted to take on a challenge by going all-out on detailing. How much detail can I cram into a single model and how would that look? Well, one answer I figured: What about a cross section?

The goal was to create a starship with full interior at such a level of detail so that ad-hoc renders of the interior would give a decent enough idea of what the atmosphere and look is supposed to be. Here's a showcase of that big experiment and right off the bat I feel like there are clearly some rooms where this has worked better than others. Personally, I really like the Reactor Control Room & the Central Quarters Corridor. In the remaining rooms, I'll perhaps experiment with the lighting a bit more, add more details after the fact, and so on. But for a first run, I'm quite happy with how this starship turned out.

Obviously, this will not become my new workflow (I hope). But I do believe there's some merit to working on a single ship model for so long. Perhaps in other iterations, I'll at least take that kind of time for custom paneling, more purposeful UV mapping, and other elements.



Martechi's Art

I'm a storytelling and sci-fi enthusiast, creating stories and artworks in original settings, as well as lots of SciFi fan art. Especially fond of lovecraft's cosmic horror, imaginative dystopia, science-inspired mysticism and the grand scale of futurism, I try to incorporate all those things in my works.


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Bonfire Stars - An original Worldbuilding Project created by Martechi.

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